Unveiling the Power of EC Analytics: A Game-Changer for Investors and Buyers

September 18, 2024


3 min read

At Evolution Capital's recent FDD Forum in London, Rhys Bailey, Chief Revenue Officer at Focus Group, introduced the revolutionary potential of the EC Analytics platform to a gathering of private equity investors and trade buyers. With a wealth of experience leading Focus Group through multiple acquisitions, Rhys offered valuable insights into how this cutting-edge tool simplifies the due diligence process and enhances decision-making for both buyers and sellers.

Streamlining the Acquisition Process

As Rhys highlighted during the forum, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be a challenging endeavour, with both parties striving to grasp the true value of the business under consideration. Evolution Capital's EC Analytics platform provides a powerful solution. By integrating seamlessly with a company’s trading system, EC Analytics transforms raw data into easy-to-read dashboards and reports, uncovering the core value drivers within the business.

"One of the key benefits of EC Analytics is that it removes the hassle for sellers," Rhys explained. "Instead of manually compiling and organising data, the platform automates this process, offering a clear and honest view of the business. As a buyer, you gain access to critical information quickly, presented in a format that’s simple to understand."

Uncovering Real Value

One of the most exciting features of EC Analytics is its ability to reveal hidden insights that might otherwise be missed. Rhys shared an example of a business that, from the outside, seemed strong, but a deeper analysis using the platform uncovered that 50% of its revenue was derived from a declining sector. EC Analytics exposes these realities, enabling buyers to make more informed decisions and avoid overpaying for underperforming assets.

"You might believe you're investing in growth, but EC Analytics shows you where the real value lies—whether that’s in specific revenue streams, profit margins, or operational efficiencies," Rhys stated. "It allows you to be honest about where the business is flourishing and where improvements are needed. That level of transparency is essential for making sound commercial decisions."

Staying Competitive in a Rapidly Changing Market

For Focus Group, EC Analytics has been a critical factor in maintaining its competitive edge. Over the past decade, the company has completed 24 acquisitions, with the platform enabling them to move swiftly and confidently. Rhys noted that being able to access actionable insights within hours, rather than weeks, has been pivotal in driving the company’s success.

"We’ve seen our industry thrive due to inflation and price increases, but that has also led to fiercer competition," he remarked. "With EC Analytics, we can quickly assess whether an acquisition will add real value to our portfolio, helping us to make informed decisions faster than ever before."

The Future of M&A Due Diligence

As Rhys concluded his presentation, he emphasised that EC Analytics represents the future of due diligence, offering buyers and investors a level of clarity that traditional methods simply cannot provide. "It’s about making smarter, faster decisions," he said. "Whether you’re a seller looking for transparency or a buyer seeking value, this platform provides the insights you need to succeed."

In an increasingly data-driven world, tools like EC Analytics are no longer a luxury—they’re a necessity. By simplifying the acquisition process and providing actionable insights, it enables businesses to unlock real value and maintain a competitive edge.